COVID Protocol

I am so grateful to be open and serving my clients during the COVID-10 crisis. Due to my commitment to my clients safety, and to follow all regulations, I ask that you please review my guidelines prior to booking your service. Also, please be aware a waiver will need to be signed upon your arrival. I appreciate your understanding, your business and I absolutely cannot wait to see you soon!

My COVID-19 guidelines: 

  • I ask that clients who are not fully vaccinated MUST wear a mask from the time that you enter the building to the time that you are on my treatment table. Immediately following service I ask that you put on the clean mask I will provide for you.
  • All clients must sign my COVID waiver upon arrival to their appointment.  
  • All clients must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer before their service. 
  • If a client shows any symptoms related to COVID-19, they will not be allowed to receive services. 
  • No guests and/or children are allowed to accompany clients at this time. 
  • Your practitioner will wear a mask during your service. This is to ensure the safety of your practitioner, you, and other clients as well.  

**If you feel sick or have been sick, please stay at home and reschedule for a minimum of 14 days to ensure you are symptom free**